A team picture out on the Amazon! It is so beautiful there! We didn't encounter too many animals in the wild but seeing this boy's snake, it makes me kind of glad! The other team picture was ON the Amazon...this one is IN it!
We are two college girls who have been given the amazing opportunity to travel to Brazil as short term missions assistants for the AFLC World Missions. We will be working with the Bible school, local churches, and the Miriam Infant Home all located in the town of Campo Mourao. We are so thankful that God has given us this opportunity, and are excited to see how He works in the lives of the people there and in our own lives! Check back here for blog updates and prayer requests!
Prayer Requests
For wisdom in each situation we will face
That God would speak through us
That the people we come into contact with will have open hearts to the message of salvation
I am so happy that you didn't experience many of the wild animals!!!