Here's a cultural difference: mosquitoes. Their quite a bit more blood-thirsty here! Bethany recieved a few well placed bites on her ankle that made it swell up quite noticably!
On Saturdays Thomaz is in charge of leading a children's program at Jardim Esperança. Its in a very poor neighborhood and is a great avenue of ministry. Pray that many kids would continue to come and hear the Word. Also that God would provide people to help work there.
On monday night we had our friends Monise and Sabrine over, along with some girls who teach at Sabrine's English school. It was such a fun night! Complete with a bonfire, s'mores and cheesecake. The English school teachers thought it was so crazy that American's actually have bonfires with s'mores...they'd only seen it in movies:)
Have a blessed evening!
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