Monday, May 3, 2010

God answers prayer in interesting ways!

Well, the weekend is finished and camp is over. It definately didn't turn out how we expected! With no pre-registration, it was only by word of mouth that we heard many people were interested in coming. So we were prepared for however might come our way! As it turns out so often in life, God's plan is alot different than ours...a grand total of 1 student showed up (our friend Fernanda who lives with her family here on the Bible school campus)! It was hard at first to think of the entire month of work and money we put into preparing and promoting the camp. How did something like that happen?? As humans we can't always understand what God is doing, but He quickly showed us that we were going to have an even better weekend than we imagined! With so many activities that we'd planned there were lots of things to do and great fellowship to be had. There were three cooks and their families who were there to work, Pastor Joni and his family, Sabrine and her sister Monise, our camper Fernanda and our friends Patricia and Jed from Curitiba. It was a great group! Some of the weekends events included a relay race, capture the flag, card games, frisbee, volleyball, horse riding, a time of worship around the bonfire and my favorite, a skit competition between the adults and youth. Not to mention sunday was Fernanda's birthday! There would have been no other way for all of us to have an entire camp all to ourselves for a Christ centered weekend. So thank you for all the prayers!
Another bit of news here, an 8 year old boy showed up at the Miriam Infant Home today. We don't know his story and haven't met him, because he needs a little time to adjust. I can't imagine the difficulty of being taken away for your family at 8 years old...his home situation has to be pretty bad for him to be brought here. Please pray for the adjustment process and that we can be a blessing in his life.
One last significant thing before I sign off: Deisy, the 15 year old girl at the infant home, was baptized yesterday! It was a beautiful thing to see her make that step in her faith. What a great testament for the Miriam Infant Home and their work there. Children there have such a wonderful and positive exposure to the gospel. They are brought to church and sunday school and encouraged to pursue a relationship with the Lord. How incredible!
Fica com Deus! (Stay with God!)

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