Friday, April 23, 2010

Exciting things

There's lots going on here in Brazil! My posts are getting farther and farther apart...I apologize for that.
This last weekend we were in Foz de Iguacu- home of the biggest waterfalls in the world! We were there for the tent revival meetings that Pastor John Abel was putting on. It was such a wonderful trip! From a touristy standpoint we covered lots of really amazing places. We spent a morning at the Bird Park where there are birds from all over the world. It is INCREDIBLE. Birds are some of the most colorful and unique creatures in the world! After the bird park, we headed to see the falls. WOW. Those are truly one of God's greatest creations. I will post pictures soon, but the pictures couldn't capture the beauty! The falls just keep going and going... there are some points where you're surrounded by mist and can see rainbows everywhere you turn. Absolutely breathtaking! Our afternoon was finished off with a trip into Argentina. It was great for all of us to see a new country! We did a little souvenir shopping there and then took off for church.
Each night we had services that were a few hours long. They included sermons, worship, special music, and a film at the end. We shared a song in Portuguese each night. It was a great blessing to be involved in the ministry. We saw several people commit their lives to the Lord, and would ask that you keep them and their new faith in Jesus in your prayers!
One of my favorite parts of the weekend was the children's ministry. We held three childrens programs with singing, a Bible story and games. Kids make everything so fun! It was a really great experience trying to lead a VBS type event in another language. The children loved it. It was definately a great way to get more kids involoved in the church.

We're now back in Campo Mourao and busy as ever! We were surprised to find out that over the weekend we were gone, two new babies came to the Miriam Infant Home. They are 9 month old twins and come from a home where they were severely malnourished. Its heartbreaking how tiny they are, but it is very encouraging to see them in a good environment. Bethany and I spend the majority of the afternoons taking care of them and love every minute of it! They absolutely adorable! Please pray for their health and growth over these next months.

Sorry this update is rather short, but we need to take the babies to another doctor appointment today. Please continue to keep the ministry here in Brazil in your prayers!
In Him,

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