Monday, March 1, 2010

Busy weekend!

Bom Dia!

We've had a busy weekend here in Brazil! Finally have a moment to drop a quick update. On friday afternoon we started out by cutting back a big hedge that goes around part of the ARCA soccer field. It wore us out, but it was a fun project! Near the end of the afternoon, Bethany and I got a little tired so we headed back to the house to make some beijinho (a delicious Brazilian chocolate candy)! It was for the 18th birthday party of Emily Gil, who is the Abel's neice. Luckily for the boys, there was some extra which we brought down to the work site. They got some nice Brazilian refreshment to spur them on to finish the hedge!
That evening, we were able to have a relaxing evening at home. Becky set up the projector and we watched the Passion play. Every Easter the people in Bateias put on a huge production of the Passion of Christ. It is an amazing play, and even seeing it on film was moving. The people of the town really come together to make the production happen, and their love for the Lord is evident. The average attendance is around 1000... an excellent way to share the gospel!

Saturday we went to the Language House in Campo Largo. Our job was basically to go into the different classes and talk in English. The students were at varrying levels of proficiency with their English skills, but they seemed to enjoy talking to "real Americans". Not only was it a learning experience for them, but the school also gains credibiliy if they have actual English speakers in the classes. It was nice for us to not speak Portuguese for awhile too:)
After classes, we went to the Gil's home for Emily's birthday. Our first Brazilian birthday party! The Gil's have a beautiful home and were very welcoming to all of us. It was great to get to know some of the 11 kids in their family!
From the party we headed back to Bateias for youth group. Bethany, Jon, and I shared testimonies and Nathan gave a sermon. We also sang a worship song in English and Portuguese. A few of the youth kids hung out with us til the night was over. It was a long, but productive and enjoyable day!

Yesterday was also full of excitement! Every sunday morning there is a HUGE street fair in Curitiba. We packed up early and headed there for a real tourist experience! The vendors go for what seems like miles! They sold everything from jewelry to clothing to picture frames to toys. Paul gave us all a stack of tracts to hand out as we walked around so please pray that some of the recipients of those are impacted by the Lord!
The real excitement came that afternoon. Our very first Churrascaria! Brazil is known for this amazing event. Steak cooked over a fire like you've never tasted before! Everything tasted so good. If you're ever in Brazil, that is one thing you must try.
After the cleanup for that we spent a nice afternoon playing card games, ping pong and worship music with the local kids. They are always so fun to have around! Many come from broken homes, and Paul and Becky's home is a real haven for them.
The night was finished off with church on the far side of Curitiba. It was the first church that the Abel's planted! We shared similar to what we did for youth group the night before, though the song seemed to go a little better. Becky did a wonderful job translating as we spoke! On the way back home, we stopped at a hot dog stand and finally tried our first Brazillian hot dogs which are NOTHING like American hot dogs. There are so many things that they put on them! Everything was excellent as most Brazilian food is.

Now it is lunch time on Monday. Jon, Nate and I went to the English school this morning for about an hour and will head back there with Bethany this afternoon.

Praise the Lord for His faithfulness!

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